A Narrative Inquiry of Survival among Tribike Drivers in Mogpog, Marinduque



Keywords— experiences, narrative inquiry, survival, tribike drivers


The purpose of this narrative inquiry was to explore and understand the narratives and experiences of the Tribike drivers on the notion of survival. Specifically, describe how Tribike drivers account for survival in their everyday lives and discover the meanings of survival that emerge from the participants’ narratives. Data were collected through narrative interviews, which lasted for 30 minutes. It was then transcribed and analyzed.Based on the participants’ narratives, emerging survival concepts were revealed during our conversation when they shared their experiences and how they started their work as tribike drivers. These themes deal with survival means gaining customers' trust and loyalty, building good relationships, and perseverance & determination.

Keywords— experiences, narrative inquiry, survival, tribike drivers



How to Cite

Lozada, A. R. (2023). A Narrative Inquiry of Survival among Tribike Drivers in Mogpog, Marinduque. International Journal of Arts, Sciences and Education, 4(3), 1–13. Retrieved from https://ijase.org/index.php/ijase/article/view/265