Development and Validation of an Achievement Test in Filipino for Tertiary Level



The objective of this study is to develop an achievement test in “Komunikasyon sa Akademikong Filipino” based on Filipino 11 syllabus set by CHED Memorandum Order no. 54 series of 2007. This study is focused on the following specific problems: 1.What is the difficulty index of the test?;2.What is the discrimination index of the test?; and 3.What is the reliability of the test. Ebel’s (1995) suggestion was used as the basis for interpreting the analysis of the difficulty index and the discrimination index as acceptance criteria or retention of test items. This study also considered Ranon (1997) steps in test development and preparation and the principles provided by Gronlund (2000) in constructing an achievement test. The test developed is used to fully assist students to further cultivate and develop their Filipino language skills. Descriptive design was used in the development and validation of the achievement test in “Komunikasyon sa Akademikong Filipino”. The achievement test is valid and reliable based on standard criteria for evaluating the validity and reliability of the test so appropriate to use for tertiary level students. The test serves as an effective instructional material that measures the acquired skill of students in Filipino language.


Key words: Filipino, Achievement test, Validity, Reliability



How to Cite

Matammu, C. (2022). Development and Validation of an Achievement Test in Filipino for Tertiary Level. International Journal of Arts, Sciences and Education, 3(1), 225–246. Retrieved from


